
EurostileBeckerRegExtd.字體風格:,Regular.字體版本:,Version001.005.字元數:,292.字形數:,276.EM組織:,2048.字重:,一般.字寬:,中等(正常).,2022年3月30日—TypographicinfofortheEurostilefontfamily.,DownloadEurostilefontforPC/Macforfree,takeatest-driveandseetheentirecharacterset.Moreover,youcanembedittoyourwebsitewith@font-face ...,EurostileFontisafamousgeometricsans-seriftypefacecreatedbyItalian-...

Eurostile Becker Reg Extd RegularVersion 001.005

Eurostile Becker Reg Extd. 字體風格:, Regular. 字體版本:, Version 001.005. 字元數:, 292. 字形數:, 276. EM組織:, 2048. 字重:, 一般. 字寬:, 中等(正常).

Eurostile font family

2022年3月30日 — Typographic info for the Eurostile font family.

Eurostile Font Family

Download Eurostile font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Moreover, you can embed it to your website with @font-face ...

Eurostile Font Free Download

Eurostile Font is a famous geometric sans-serif typeface created by Italian-type designer Aldo Novarese and released in 1962.

Eurostile Font

Eurostile Font Family was designed by Aldo Novarese and published by URW Type Foundry. Eurostile contains 25 styles and family package options. More ...

Eurostile LT Condensed字体免费下载和在线预览

包含10个字体文件 ; Eurostile-LT-Demi-Oblique-7.ttf, 60KB ; Eurostile-LT-Demi-8.ttf, 68KB ; Eurostile-LT-Extended-2-9.ttf, 70KB ; Eurostile-LT-Medium-10.ttf, 74KB.

Eurostile RegularVersion 5.00

字體全稱:, Eurostile Regular. 字體家族:, Eurostile. 字體風格:, Regular. 字體版本:, Version 5.00. 字元數:, 276. 字形數:, 271. EM組織:, 2048.


Eurostile®是由8款字体组成,分别是Eurostile Roman,Eurostile LT ExtendedTwo,Eurostile LT Condensed Bold,Eurostile Demi Oblique,Eurostile Demi.


2019年7月29日 — Eurostile的前身是Microgramma,由Alessandro Butti及Aldo Novarese於1952年創造,無襯線設計符合了現代社會對於簡潔的追求,其獨特的方直文字形狀、圓弧 ...

OblyTile - Windows 8 自己建立 Metro 介面動態磚

OblyTile - Windows 8 自己建立 Metro 介面動態磚
